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One of the urgent problems of modern medical world is a high morbidity and mortality from viral infections (VI) which are widespread in the human population, which are able to affect practically all organs and systems of the body, causing latent, acute, chronic or slow forms of infection. These facts allow us to consider VI as a common general disease of the body.

The word “virus” means "poison ", it was first proposed by Louis Pasteur to refer the infective material. The first mention of viral infection (smallpox) was found in Greek papyrus in the 12 century BC. Date for the beginning of the era of scientific Virology is believed 1892, when 28-year-old Russian scientist from St. Petersburg, D. I. Ivanovsky proved that disease of tobacco (tobacco mosaic) was caused by some agent, easily passing through the so-called bacterial filters.

Application in clinical practice of vaccines and antibiotics have greatly reduced the number of bacterial infections. However, antibiotics have no impact viral infections and the absolute number of viral infections continues to grow, many viral infections are still poorly controlled (influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, herpes virus infection, hepatitis, HIV infection). The Committee of experts from the World Health Organization predicted the morbidity of serious viral infections in this century, and the European office of the World Health Organization in 1987 published its report, where it was stated that particularly "...the herpesvirus infections will determine the future of infectious diseases in the XXI century". This demonstrates the great medical and social value of VI for practical health care.

About 20 new previously unknown viruses were discovered for the past 40 years, some of which caused deadly diseases: Marburg virus, Ebola virus, West Nile virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis viruses C, D, E, G and others (Ershov F. I., 2006). Every five years the list of viruses is updated according to the decision of the International Committee on nomenclature of viruses.

Currently, there are 3 orders, 64 families, 9 subfamilies, 233 genus and more than 1550 kinds. They distinguish RNA - and DNA-containing viruses, the other main criteria and modern classification of viruses described in the literature (Zhilinskaya I. N. and others, 2007). More than 500 viruses have been studied, which can cause various diseases in people.

Official statistics annually records 10 million cancer cases in the world where 30% of malignant tumors are depended on virus, i.e. tumors have an increased or high risk of developing in the presence of viral infections in the body. Thus, there are about 40% for men and more than 30% for women of the virus tumors in the structure of oncological morbidity of St. Petersburg's population (N Safronnikova.R., Merabishvili V. M., 2006).

Modern methods of molecular biology, genetics made it possible to study the mechanisms of replication in sensitive cells of many viruses, it allowed to have developed a number of original and highly effective chemotherapeutic drugs (CD) with antiviral activity. In conditions of chronic viral infections with long-term persistence of the virus (viral persistence is the preservation of the virus in a functionally active state in the cells of the body beyond those limits which are specified for sore infection) the immunological deficiency is developing, mutation and recombination in the genome of virion and the formation of viruses resistance to the main chemotherapeutic agents are possible, that's why the therapy of viral infections is attended with certain difficulties. In some cases, the use of modern complex therapy of acute and chronic viral infections does not always influence upon the frequency of recurrence, severity and duration of relapse and outcome of the disease.

Thereby, new national pharmaceuticals with antiviral and immunomodulatory activity, which increase immune-biological resistance of the body and improve the quality of patients life are becoming in-demand. One of such promising and effective drugs is Allokin-alpha, established on the basis of the brilliant discoveries of national scientists. The latest achievements of the scientific resources of the Soviet Union in the field of Virology were the basic for the drug development. They were multiplied and implemented in the practical application of Russian scientists and doctors in practice.

Using Allokin-alpha against herpesviruses infection, the improvement of the patient quality life is realized by:

  1. Reducing time of relapse in 2 times.
  2. Increasing the period of remission (a period without disease attacts) averagely in 2 times (every 5th patient gets rid of recurrence of the herpes simplex virus for years).
  3. A significant reduction in the severity of relapse.

Originally, using Allokin-alpha against the papillomavirus infection, the impact is even more expressed, thanks to the use of antiviral drug Allokin-alpha the effect of elimination of human papilloma virus (HPV) has been achieved in 90% cases of cervical dysplasia treatment (using the classical treatment scheme) 2.5 weeks later.

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